
  • Dutch Deer

    Dutch Deer

    Reebok / Roebuck. July 2016, Drenthe, The Netherlands (20160722_DSC0420).

  • Dutch Mustelids

    Dutch Mustelids

    Das in zonlicht / Badger in sunlight. July 2016, Drenthe, The Netherlands (20160722_DSC0590).

  • Dutch Mustelids

    Dutch Mustelids

    Verborgen das / Hidden Badger. July 2016, Drenthe, The Netherlands (20160722_DSC0585).

  • Dutch Mustelids

    Dutch Mustelids

    Das / Badger. July 2016, Utrecht, The Netherlands (20160703_DSC0242).

  • Dutch Mustelids

    Dutch Mustelids

    Boommarter vrouwtje in nestholte / Female Pine Marten looking out from her den. May 2016, Utrecht, The Netherlands (20160513_DSC4548).

  • Dutch Mustelids

    Dutch Mustelids

    Geeuwende boommarter / Pine Marten yawning. May 2016, Utrecht, The Netherlands (20160510_DSC4477).

  • Dutch Mustelids

    Dutch Mustelids

    Boommarter op latrine / Pine Marten visiting her latrine. May 2016, Utrecht, The Netherlands (20160504_DSC4023).

  • Other Mammals

    Other Mammals

    Gecamoufleerde haas / Hare camouflaged. April 2016, Ameland / Friesland, The Netherlands (20160425_DSC4722).

  • Dutch Outdoors

    Dutch Outdoors

    Vegetatie in de wind / Vegetation moved by wind. January 2015, Utrecht, The Netherlands (20160108_DSC0967).