Rosse Woelmuis / Bank Vole under a branch. June 2018, Utrecht, The Netherlands (20180607_DSC7884).
Boommarter op de latrine / Pine Marten at the latrine. June 2018, Utrecht, The Netherlands (20180606_DSC7616).
Boommarter / Pine Marten. June 2018, Utrecht, The Netherlands (20180606_DSC7631).
Boommarter / Pine Marten. May 2018, Utrecht, The Netherlands (20180520_DSC7291).
Boommarter / Pine Marten. May 2018, Utrecht, The Netherlands (20180519_DSC7233).
Das kijkt om / Badger looking back. May 2018, Utrecht, The Netherlands (20180514_DSC7008).
Egel draagt haar jong / Hedgehog carrying her young. August 2017, Utrecht, The Netherlands (20170830_DSC5598).
Egel kruipt onder hek door / Hedgehog crawling under fence. August 2017, Utrecht, The Netherlands (20170828_DSC5565).
Gewone Zeehond / Common Seal. August 2017, Wadden Sea, The Netherlands (20170804_DSC5271).