
  • Iceland


    Gronddetail / Dried-up mud ground. May 2009, Hverarond, Iceland (20090530_EPV0028).

  • Sports


    Voetbal DVSA / Soccer DVSA. April 2009, Amerongen, The Netherlands (20090425_dk18dvsa-deltasport).

  • Other Wildlife

    Other Wildlife

    Juffer / Damselfly. September 2008, Utrecht, The Netherlands (20080921_DSC0015).

  • Other Wildlife

    Other Wildlife

    Sluipvlieg / Tachinid Fly. September 2008, Utrecht, The Netherlands (20080918_DSC0028).

  • Other Wildlife

    Other Wildlife

    Kolonie Kleine Alkjes / Little Auk colony. June 2008, Fuglesangen, Svalbard (20080625_EPV0086).

  • Arctic Mammals

    Arctic Mammals

    IJsbeer man met prooi / Polar Bear male with kill. June 2008, North West Islands, Svalbard (20080624_EPV1454).

  • Arctic Mammals

    Arctic Mammals

    IJsbeer op het pakijs / Polar Bear on the packice. June 2008, North West Islands, Svalbard (20080624_EPV0068).

  • Arctic Mammals

    Arctic Mammals

    Ontmoeting tussen drie ijsberen / Male Polar Bear encounter. June 2008, North West Islands, Svalbard (20080624_EPV0690).

  • Svalbard


    Expeditieschip / Expedition ship. June 2008, Krossfjorden, Spitsbergen, Svalbard (20080623_EPV0216).